They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day because it sets the tone for the rest of the day. The trick is to find some spots that…
Lemon Balm | Plant This Zesty Herb to Live a Better (and Healthier!) Life
Do you love the fresh and zesty taste of lemon in your food and drinks? Well, get ready to meet your new herb best friend – lemon balm! Lemon balm,…
My Five Favorites on Friday | Shifting into Fall Season
Welcome back to another edition of Five Favorites on Friday! As we transition into fall, I wanted to share five of my current favorite items. From household scents to practical…
How to Create a Venus Fly Trap from a Foam Pumpkin: The Perfect Halloween Decor for Gardeners
Halloween is just around the corner, and it’s time to start thinking about decorating your home. If you’re a gardener at heart, you may be searching for spooky decorations that…
My Five Favorites on Friday: A Focus on My Favorite Teas | October 20, 2023
Happy Fri-YAY, tea lovers! As a self-proclaimed tea enthusiast, I’m excited to share my five favorite teas with you in this week’s edition of ” Five Favorites on Friday.” Just…
My Five Favorites on Friday: Things I Use and Love | October 13, 2023
Happy Friday! Welcome to my first edition of Five Favorites on Friday post! This is a weekly blog post series where I share with you five things I’m currently using…